
Mississippi based Southern Narrative Artist

Welcome to my newly updated website!  It’s still hot as the dickens in Mississippi, but I’m looking forward to cooler weather in the coming months, and all the fall and holiday happenings to come.

In my domestic world, our son has started his freshman year of college in Oregon, my wife has begun her 26th year of teaching 3-6 year olds in Jackson Public Schools’ only Montessori program, and our three pups and one cat are all getting along famously, having adjusted well to the introduction of dog number three just about a year ago.

Personally I’m looking at trying to create and sell enough work this fall so that I can afford to take 5ish months off next year to realize a life-long dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail, a 2200ish mile long footpath which stretches from Georgia to Maine.  I’ll need all the help I can get. If you’ve got any ideas, I’m all ears, and if you’ve been wanting to purchase a painting of mine, either through one of my galleries or directly from me, this would be a great year for that!

This website is currently set up to give you information about me as an artist and human, to let you know where I’ll be when, and to give you a way to find the galleries which represent me around the Southeast.  I’d love to be able to sell small work directly through the website, as I have from time to time in the past,  but until I can hire someone to help me with the administrative parts of being a small business, that will have to wait.  

And finally, please keep checking in on this website, as I’m planning to post a way for you to be involved on my Appalachian Trail thu-hike!